Sản xuất và tiêu dùng bền vững

Chủ nhật, 09/03/2025 | 09:42 GMT+7

Cleaner Production Strategy

1. General Objectives
Gradually change the production and consumption model towards enhancing efficiency of natural resources and energy; increase the use of environmentally-friendly raw materials, renewable energy and products; reduce, reuse and recycle waste; maintain the sustainability of the ecosystem at all stages in the product life cycle from exploitation, supply of raw materials to production, processing, distribution, consumption and disposal of products.
2. Specific Objectives
a) 2016 - 2020:
- Complete mechanisms and policies to implement the sustainable production and consumption;
- Increase the total number of businesses in the energy-intensive industries, at high risk of environmental pollution, constructing and implementing the roadmap aiming at technological innovation towards cleaner technologies from 60% to 70%; the share of industrial production facilities applying solutions towards cleaner production and energy saving shall be 50%; eco-innovation activities shall be successfully piloted in businesses, industrial parks, industrial clusters, and gradually expanding the scale and scope of application; the share of green industry, environmental industry, waste recycling in GDP shall rise from 42% to 45%;
- Minimize waste generation in distribution activities. About 50% of businesses in the distribution sector should have awareness, be guided for the implementation and application of solutions for cleaner production, energy saving; decrease to about 65% in the rate of non-degradable packaging in supermarkets, commercial centers, and to about 50% in the public markets; green distribution models shall be certified; successfully develop and gradually scale up the model of sustainable supply chains, green value chains for some product groups;
- Gradually raise the proportion of the environmentally-friendly products and services of key export items in Vietnam; exporters shall be provided necessary information, guidance, support in applying management systems, environmental standards and sustainable development practices;
- Consumers and the general public shall be provided with adequate information about the environmentally-friendly products, the sustainable production and consumption; increase the proportion of environmentally-friendly products, services in the structure of public spending by the Government; improve legal framework concerning provisions, guidance in the implementation of green public procurement;
- About 90% domestic scrap plastic, paper, waste oils and steel shall be recycled; 85% of urban living solid waste shall be recycled, reuse, recovered for energy or producing organic fertilizers; 75% of industrial non-hazardous solid wastes shall be recovered for re-use and recycling and 50% of constructing solid waste generated in urban areas shall be recovered for reuse or recycling.
b) 2021 - 2030
Implement activities to promote sustainable production and consumption comprehensively; models and practices in sustainable production and consumption shall be made more popular and widely used in the community and businesses. Basically change current production and consumption model to a more sustainable way.
1. Construct and improve the legal framework and policies to implement the sustainable production and consumption
- Integrate content of sustainable production and consumption into the strategy, planning and national, sectoral and local development plans, sustainable development programs, social - economic development plans, environmental protection and poverty reduction;
- Construct and improve policies to encourage investment in the development of production, sales and distribution of environmentally-friendly products and services; construct incentive, preferential mechanism towards consumption of environmentally-friendly products; construct and improve mechanisms coordinating and promoting public-private partnership for sustainable production and consumption; construct national indicator system to monitor and evaluate the implementation of sustainable production and consumption;
- Construct and improve policies to promote green public procurement activities; issue a list of priority environmentally-friendly products and services for public procurement;
- Develop international trade policy, export tax, import tariff policies for environmentally-friendly products and services in accordance with the international integration roadmap, the bilateral and multilateral trade agreements;
- Construct and improve policy frameworks to promote the activities of circulating, recycling and reuse of wastes.
2. Promote sustainable production and economic restructuring
- Exploit and use natural resources sustainably; promote the alternative use of natural resources such as renewable energy resources;
- Continue to implement cleaner production, energy saving and efficiency; research and apply clean and environmentally-friendly technologies; innovate technology and remove outdated technologies which require a large volume of fuel consumption and pollute the environment, in accordance with the roadmap; develop human resources to meet the requirements of sustainable production activities;
- Apply the product lifecycle approach by implementing eco-innovation activities in the business and industrial parks, industrial clusters in order to improve the efficiency of resource usage, waste prevention and minimization;
- Develop the production of environmentally-friendly products, services; continue to promote the development of environmental industries.
3. Make the distribution system greener and develop a supply chain of environmentally-friendly products and services
- Apply cleaner production, energy saving and efficiency in distribution of products and services; reduce the use of non-degradable packaging in supermarkets, commercial centers, public markets; promote the replacement of non-degradable by environmentally-friendly packaging;
- Research, support the pilot implementation, advertise, scale up some environmentally-friendly products and services distribution models; construct standard systems and issue certificates of environmentally-friendly, green distribution models;
- Promote sustainable links among material suppliers - manufacturers - the distributor - the consumer in the production, distribution and use of environmentally-friendly products and services;
- Raise awareness of the sustainable production and consumption for those involved in the distribution system and product supply chain.
4. Improve market access and promote the export of Vietnamese key products toward sustainability
- Assess market potential and the ability of Vietnamese exporters to supply environmentally friendly products; investigate export opportunities, participate in global value chains for Vietnamese key export products when it is labeled Vietnam green, energy-saving label and other eco-labels;
- Provide support for trade promotion, market access for products labeled Vietnam green, energy-saving label and other eco-labels;
- Enhance the competitiveness of key export products; improve market access and the ability to meet the provisions on the environment, sustainable development of key export products of Vietnam
- Guide, provide technical support for businesses in applying and certifying international standard system and standards of the importer on environment and sustainable development; construct sustainable export business model;
5. Change consumer behavior, implement sustainable lifestyle
- Advertise and mobilize people for environmentally-friendly lifestyles, sustainable consumption, raise awareness for environmental protection, towards the construction of a less waste, low carbon, harmonious and environment-friendly society;
- Organize information channels and promote environmentally-friendly products and services for the consumers; promote training and dissemination of knowledge, policies and legislation on sustainable production and consumption for officials, businesses and employees to improve the quality of human resources for the realization of practical activities on sustainable production and consumption;
- Enhance the support to encourage social institutions to protect the interests of consumers in advertising and disseminating, training laws and knowledge on sustainable production and consumption for consumers;
- Continue to implement labeling “Vietnam green”, energy-saving and other eco-labels; promoting evaluation activities, product certification, environmentally-friendly services;
- Implement green procurement activities, prioritize activities which promote green public procurement; investigate development on the pilot basis and scale up green public procurement;
- Develop and disseminate models practicing sustainable lifestyle
6. Minimize, recycle and reuse waste
- Organize communication activities, raise awareness of recycling and reusing of waste to communities and businesses;
- Implement comprehensive management of solid waste under the market mechanism, charge by the volume of solid waste generated;
- Guide, provide technical support to implement activities of minimizing, recycling and reusing of solid waste from daily life, production and trade and services; enhance control the import of scrap;
- Pilot and scale up the model of minimizing, recycling and reusing of waste in the community and businesses.
1. Deploy the prioritized Programs comprehensively and effectively; Integrating tasks of the Program into the program, the national and sectoral, local action plan of the country implementing sustainable development strategies and national strategies for green growth and involved programs.
Details of the prioritized activities of the implementation of national action program on sustainable production and consumption shall be in the Appendix of this Decision.
2. Relevant ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Government agencies, based on their functions and tasks assigned, conduct the review, integrating content on sustainable production and consumption into the sectoral development strategies, planning and plans, while promoting the realization of the content of sustainable production and consumption in existing programs.
3. Financial support for the Program:
- The Program shall be financed through the following sources: the state budget, aid, grants, investment capital from domestic and international organizations and individuals and other eligible funds;
- The Ministries, branches and local authority according to the functions and tasks assigned shall be responsible for mobilizing and managing the aforementioned funding resources in accordance with the current regulations to implement the tasks of the Program;
- The government prioritizes and locates adequate funds from the state budget to implement the tasks of the Program.