Sản xuất và tiêu dùng bền vững

Chủ nhật, 09/03/2025 | 09:40 GMT+7


STT Số hiệu Tên văn bản Ngày ban hành Tải về
1 0 Draft National action plan on sustainalble consumption and production 2020 - 2030 19/09/2019
2 No. 1393/QD-TTg Decision No.1393/QD-TTg on the Approval of the National Green Growth Strategy 25/09/2012
3 UNDP Fossil Fuel Fiscal Policies and Greenhouse Gas emissions in Viet nam 16/05/2012
4 Vietnam Canada Environment Project (VCEP) Promoting Cleaner Production in Vietnam: The role of Training & Education in Strengthening Industry's Environmental Behavior, 2003 07/09/2011
5 ADB Climate Change in Southeast Asia: Focused Actions on the Frontlines of Climate Change, 2010 12/08/2011
6 ADB Asian Development Outlook 2011 12/08/2011
7 WSP - World Bank Economic Impacts of Sanitation in Vietnam: A five-country study conducted in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, the Philippines and Vietnam under the Economics of Sanitation Initiative (ESI) 12/08/2011
8 ADB Status and Potential for the Development of Biofuels and Rural Renewable Energy: Viet Nam, 2010 12/08/2011
9 ADB Integrated Action Plan to Reduce Vehicle Emissions in Viet Nam, 2002 12/08/2011
10 GTZ Leather and Footwear Industry in Vietnam: The Labour Markets and Gender Impact of the Global Economic Slowdown on Value Chains, 2009 10/08/2011
11 GTZ Energy-policy Framework Conditions for Electricity Markets and Renewable Energies: 16 Country Analyses - Vietnam, 2009 10/08/2011
12 GTZ Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal Areas of the Philippines and Viet Nam, 2009 10/08/2011
13 GTZ Sustainable Economic Development: The Social and Ecological Market Economy – a Model for Vietnam?, 2007 10/08/2011
14 GTZ Streamlining Business Registration and Licensing Procedures Experiences from the Philippines and Vietnam, 2006 10/08/2011
15 GTZ Climate Change and Development in Vietnam: Agriculture and Adaptation for the Mekong Delta Region, 2003 10/08/2011