Sản xuất và tiêu dùng bền vững

Sunday, 09/03/2025 | 21:44 GMT+7

Case study

My Hung Trade & Production Ltd Company


My Hung Trade & Production Ltd Com is a private company established in 2006, specialized in producing all kinds of plastic bags providing for local market. At first, the Company was family-scale factory, internal producing and selling products as well as processing plastic products based on customer’s orders. Gradually, The Company developed to become My Hung Trade & Production Ltd Com.

With the Company, the main pollution sources from the production process are: temperature, noise, air emissions, wastewater and solid wastes. Averagely, to produce 1 ton product, the Company discharges 7.45 m3 wastewater from washing and cutting stages (in which BOD and COD parameters are of high value) and 80kg solid wastes (include dust, solid wastes, spilled plastics, burnt plastic and plastic scraps). Besides, the exhaust fumes, including coal fumes, dust from brazier used to dry materials, dust from plastic flux, can pollute the environment.

Perceiving the importance of applying CP to improve production performance and solve environmental issues, the Company has actively participated in the CP demonstration project of the Cleaner Production in Industry Component since 2007

The Company has set up a CP team to review and assess the whole production process, identify obstacles and analyse solutions to save energy and resources. The Team  has cooperated with CP expert to focus the assessment on the production line of second class plastic bags. This was the main production line of the company, which consumed the most materials and energy as well as caused the most poluted. If this line was improved, the company would saved a lot of money and reduced poluttion.

The team has proposed 21 CP solutions. Some of those were applied and brought the following benefits.

Technical benefit      Economic benefit Environmental benefit
Annual reduction of 274kWhAnnual saving of VND 274 millions Annual reduction of 230 ton CO2
Annual reduction of 94 m3 waste water
Annual reduction of 9.4 ton coal consumption Annual saving of VND 21.84 million

 Typical Cleaner Production options of the Company are as follows:

No.CP OptionInvestmentPerformanceCP technique
 1Check carefully plastic waste importingVND 30 millions
 Reduction of electricity, water consumption and raw material loss
 2 Sort plastic waste before beating; separate very dirty parts before beating and beat them in separate place  PC
 3 Cover beating machine.  EM
 4 Adjust flow of pump according to demand    PC
 5 Raise awareness of workers in water saving GH
 6Use settling tank after washing process and recycle washing water for chopping process.      EM
 7Improve squeezing centrifuge to reduce water content in materials before drying      EM
 8  Increase ventilation in drying workshop GH
 9 Provide skills training to workers GH
 10Improve electricity controller of pressing machine to control temperature of burning barrel   EM

Remarks: GH: Good Housekeeping; PM: Process Modification; EM: Equipment Modification; MC: Materials Changing; PC: Process Control

Together with Cleaner Production option, the Company also invested VND 880 millions to make a break-through in production and business. The Company has installed a gas sucking and treating system, using activated carbon, for plastic pressing machine and at the same time; replaced all re-winded motors by the new ones; installed frequency controller in necessary places. Only the solution of improving the squeezing centrifuge has annually reduced 420 m3 of recovered wastewater, 336kWh of electricity, reduced heavy labour, etc.

With the effort of applying CP, My Hung Production and Trade JSC,. Has completely implemented CP steps, trained skills for workers. Thus, the company staff have had higher awareness in saving production costs and protecting the environment. Product quality and productivity are improved, the Company has more opportunities to improve and invest in new equipment, technology. Especially, the working environment has been enhanced significantly, labor health is ensured better than the status prior to CP application./.