Sản xuất và tiêu dùng bền vững

Sunday, 09/03/2025 | 21:31 GMT+7

Case study

Au Co Export Bamboo and Rattan Enterprise


Export Rattan Products Factory was established in 1999, focusing on producing and processing rattan product mainly for local market. Based on human resource and natural resources as potentiality and strength of the district, the factory has plan to open rattan planting area to supply to rattan products processing units for local market and export. Main products are products made from rattan such as baskets, clothes boxes, fruit boxes, chairs, household goods etc. according orders from EU countries, Asian countries and local restaurants, hotels

With the Company, the main pollution sources from the production process are: dust, wastewater containing chemicals, solid wastes, air emissions and organic solvent. Wastewater from the factory is 3,000 m3/year containing chemicals from cooking process and bleaching process such as: H2O2, NaOH, SiO2, diesel fuel without any treatment and 80kg solid wastes (rattan, rattan cover). Besides, the exhaust fumes and dust which are frequently emitted to the environment, has affected adversely the workers’ health and surrounding environment.

Perceiving the importance of applying CP to improve production performance and solve environmental issues, the Company has actively participated in the CP demonstration project of the Cleaner Production in Industry Component since 2007

The Company has set up a CP team, including 10 members, to review and identify obstacles and analyze solutions to save energy and resources. The Team has cooperated with CP expert to focus the assessment on the primary process of rattan and finishing process of product.
Consequently, the team has proposed 27 CP solutions for application. Some of those were applied and brought the following benefits.

Technical benefitEconomic benefit Environmental benefit
Reduction of 10m3 water/ton of product Annual saving of VND  1.3 millions/year Reduction of 1300 m3 wastewater    
 Reduction of 40 kWh electricity/ton of product Annual saving of VND  4.7 millions/year Reduction of  3,7 ton CO2 and exhaust gas   
Reduction of 7,2 ton H2O2/yearAnnual saving of VND  51.8 millions/year Reduction of  10.800 kg chemicals released to the environment 
Reduction of 1,2 ton NaOH/year Annual saving of VND  6 millions/year
Reduction of 2,4 ton SiO2/yearAnnual saving of VND  14.4 millions/year

 Typical Cleaner Production options of the Company are as follows:

No.CP OptionInvestmentPerformanceCP technique
 1Increase height of workshop for better ventilation  VND 50 mils Bring about environmental benefit and improve health of workersGH
 2 Increase natural lighting by installing transparent plastic roof VND 1.2 milsVND 1.6 mils per year GH
 3 Improve manipulation, prepare materials before using gas to bend rattanNo costVND 7.2 mils per yearGH

Remarks: GH: Good Housekeeping;

Together with Cleaner Production option, the Company also invested in replacing the old rattan bleaching system by the new one with heating process. Previously, the factory had  7 bleaching tanks (including grey bleaching and white bleaching) with capacity of 3 m3 each tank, 130 kg of rattan each batch. Because they use lots of chemicals and process in normal temperature, the bleaching time is long (about 30 hours). Besides, the tanks are made from cement so they are quickly eroded causing leakage with chemicals. Installing stainless steel tank can lengthen lifetime of tank. Combining with heating process can increase bleaching efficiency, reduce chemicals consumption and bleaching time. The bleaching test results showed that chemicals consumption can be reduced by 40%, water 40%, bleaching time 50%. It was estimated that when the line come into operation, the Company could save up VND 30 mils of production cost monthly. Currently, the Company also invests in building rattan drying system and wastewater treatment system.

Investing in CP has helped the Company ensures the sustainable development and production, increase the prestige of the company with domestic and overseas partners, especially in the context of economic accession when quality, management and social responsibility criteria are higher and higher.