Sản xuất và tiêu dùng bền vững

Sunday, 09/03/2025 | 21:37 GMT+7

Case study

Ben Tre Sugar Joint –Stock Company


The production process of the company is a traditional sugar production one and not a modern, which applies sulphur to clarify the cane juice.

The latest environmental monitoring report on 25th March, 2010 showed that the quality of ambient air and waste water were compliant with required standards. The major issues at place are the loss of raw materials and energy.

In the framework of the CP demonstration program, the company established its own CP team, consisted of 16 members, in which the Deputy Director acts as the team leader . The team conducted meeting and discussion with CP consultants to review and analyse each of process steps in order to identify improvement opportunities. They therefore proposed 32 improvement options. 32 CP options have been applied and brought about the following benefits:

Economic benefit Environmental benefit
Total investment: 824.819.300 VND. Reduction of 22% of water consumption%),
Benefit: 465.870.000 VND/season (estimated)  Reduction of sugar loss, cut down production costs

Some typical CP options are as follows:

No.CP OptionInvestmentPerformanceCP technique
 1Apply procedure “First in – First out” for sugarcane supplied to the factory to reduce waiting time at the  yardsNo costContribute to the increase of crushing efficiency: from 95,13%  to 95,23%
 2To employ regulation that: only sugar canes that meet the required humidity will be allowed for cutting and crushing.  Cane should be stored under roof yard to avoid humid raw materialsNo costGH
 3Using proper sugar cane bridge and proper cane spreader to regularly distribute the sugar canes, in order to achieve maximum efficiency of iron dust removal by magnetsNo costGH
 4Collect the dropped sugar caneNo costGH
 5Replace new slicing blade and new anvil in order to improve the quality of cutting process: 3 new set of slicing blade, recover 2 anvils 82.844.000 VNDEM
 6Fixing the old rolls by welding method or replace by the new ones:
Replace 4 rolls by 4 new ones
Fixing by welding method 11 old rolls by the new ones
 448.590.000 VNDEM
 7Collect and circulate the cooling water of crusher 50.166.800 VNDSaving 480m3/day, or 55680 m3/yearOR
 8Install newly separated pipe for circulating the filtered water to the mixed sugarcane juice balance 5.879.000 VNDStabilize the settling process, and as the result, receive more settled juice; reduce amount of mud to be filtered or reduce sugar loss in mudEM
9 Insulate vacuum pipe during boiling

100 kg thermo-proof fabric and 600 kg thermo-proof powder have been used

 14.900.000 VNDReduce heat loss;
Improve working environment for the workers
 10Replace carbon-steel syrup containers by stainless steel ones 49.839.000 VNDAvoid contamination on productEM

Remarks: GH: Good Housekeeping; PC: Process Control;  EM: Equipment Modification; OR: Onsite Recovery

CP policy of the company has been integrated in environmental policy and general development policy at place. Environmental targets, CP targets, and action plans will be prepared at the beginning of the production season.

During the course of CP implementation, Ben Tre Sugar Company has realized the effectiveness of CP tools and been actively preparing other CP solutions which need to be further studied. The Company Leader specifies that the sustaining of CP during production time of the company is very essential. Besides, the Company is willing to share experiences of CP application to other enterprises within or outside of the province. This is to replicate the demonstration model and reach the targets set by the Cleaner Production Strategy in Industry to 2020./.