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Monday, 10/03/2025 | 04:40 GMT+7

Science and Technology

CP Strategy in Industry to 2020


Being aware of the importance and urgent needs for Cleaner Production in Industry, the  Ministry of Industry and Trade has promptly developed a Strategy for Cleaner Production in Industry of Vietnam to 2020. This Strategy was endorsed by the Prime Minister and issued at the Decision no. 1419/QD-TTg dated 07th September 2009.
The targets of the Strategy to 2015 are that 50 percent of industrial businesses will be made aware of the benefits derived from applying CPI methods; 25 percent of industrial production facilities will apply CPI methods and reduce energy and material consumption by 5-8 percent; 70 percent of Industry and Trade Departments will have cleaner production-specialized officials who are capable to provide instructions in this field.
In the time period from 2016 to 2020, the strategy's target is to make 90 percent of industrial production facilities aware of the benefits that CP in industry brings in. It is projected that by 2020, 50 percent of industrial production facilities will apply CP methods and reduce energy and material consumption by 8-13 percent. Ninety percent of medium and large-sized companies are expected to have specialized departments in charge of cleaner production. And also in this period, 90 percent of Industry and Trade Departments are expected to have cleaner production-specialized officials who are capable to provide instructions in this field.
The Strategy is based on the approach of disseminating the CP concept to 63 provinces and cities nationwide via communications and media mass, technical assistance, CP networking and financing mechanism which are to promote the industrial production facilities to participate in CP application.
Right after the approval of the Prime Minister on the Strategy, the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) established a steering committee and an implementing office to assist the committee in coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the strategy. The ministry has also started with the compilation of a circular providing guidance on the implementation of the strategy.
With the supports from the CPSI office, the MOIT is now deploying and allocating budgets for implementing 5 projects under the framework of the Strategy, specifically:
1. Raising awareness and capability to apply CP in Industry methods;
2. Building and putting into place a database and a website related to CP in Industry;
3. Providing technical assistance to industrial production facilities that apply CP in Industry methods;
4. Building a network of CPI support organizations; and
5. Putting in place appropriate financing mechanisms and policies to promote the application of CPI methods.
In order to help localities implement the strategy, the MoIT will organize training courses for officials in local Industry and Trade Departments and the Cleaner Production Promotion Centers. The ministry and the component will provide localities with financial and technical assistance to help them make plans to promote the application of cleaner production methods at local industrial production facilities as well as establish cleaner production support organizations. 
Localities will also be provided with financial assistance to produce leaflets and video clips as well as to organize workshops and training courses related to cleaner production for industrial production facilities. Industry promotion centers will be financially assisted to do Cleaner Production Assessments for industrial businesses.
Every year, the MoIT allows local Industry and Trade Departments and the Industry Promotion Centers to register their cleaner production plans with the Ministry of Finance so that the assistant office of the strategy steering committee can work out financial and technical assistance plans.