Sản xuất và tiêu dùng bền vững

Sunday, 09/03/2025 | 21:52 GMT+7

Sustainable Production

Applying technology at Hai Phong Thermal Power Plant to protect the environment


Modern technology application
To ensure the quality of emissions as required by current regulations, Hai Phong Thermal Power Plant has used a combination of modern treatment technologies. The factory's ESP electrostatic precipitator system has a dust filtration efficiency of up to 99.67%. The FGD system uses wet limestone blasting technology. The technology has the function of separating SOx in the exhaust smoke, the reduction efficiency reaches over 90%. In addition, the plant uses decentralized combustion technology to reduce NOx in the exhaust gas.

To ensure the quality of emissions as required by current regulations, Hai Phong Thermal Power Plant has used a combination of modern treatment technologies
The amount of water used in the production of Hai Phong Thermal Power is very large. In order to avoid wasting this resource, the company has operated a wastewater collection and treatment system consisting of three separate systems: domestic wastewater treatment system, oil contaminated wastewater treatment system and industrial wastewater treatment.
The domestic wastewater treatment system is invested with synchronous microbiological treatment technology. Domestic wastewater generated from toilets in offices and factories will be collected into separate tanks and treated to meet operating system standards on domestic wastewater.
Treatment of oily wastewater is more complicated. Therefore, the unit invests in technology and specialized equipment for treatment, including: conditioning tank, floating oil separator, suspended oil separator, coke oil filter... Wastewater after being collected from Oil contamination sources at boilers, crushers, transformer stations and FO oil tanks, and other sources of oil contamination will be directed to a dedicated treatment system.
The industrial wastewater treatment system is built according to chemical and physical technology to collect and treat all wastewater from the discharge channels, boiler washing wastewater, demineralization equipment domestic wastewater and wastewater contaminated with oil. Wastewaters after being treated to meet current environmental standards will be sent to the slag discharge system to be reused in the process of discharging ash and slag without loss to the environment.
Actively handle ash
The treatment of ash and slag has always been focused in order to fulfill the Prime Minister's request on reducing and reusing waste ash and slag in production. Accordingly, the Company has implemented the Project on treatment and consumption of ash, slag and gypsum of Hai Phong Thermal Power Plant according to Decision No. 6021/QD-NDHP.
The factory's waste ash, after being delivered to functional units for treatment, meets the Standard on products, goods and construction materials QCVN 16:2017/BXD, ensuring compliance with regulations on environmental protection. Currently, most of the fly ash has been consumed by the contracted units, only a small part must be pumped to the slag reservoir to ensure the operation of the slag discharge system or when problems arise.
Recently, the unit has signed a contract to consume ash and slag with two more companies, namely My Son Co., Ltd., which exploits ash and slag in the right branch, and Hung Ngoc Trading and Construction Co., Ltd., which exploits ash and slag in the left branch with the contracted volume is 155,500 tons/year/unit. Thus, it is expected that by the end of 2021, the amount of ash and slag discharged at the lake will be fully exploited.
Ha Tran