VICEM strives towards sustainable development
Chủ nhật, 24/10/2021
VICEM (Vietnam Cement Industry Corporation) identifies sustainable development as the key orientation in the coming time, in which digital transformation is one of the decisive goals.
VICEM (Vietnam Cement Industry Corporation) identifies sustainable development as the key orientation in the coming time, in which digital transformation is one of the decisive goals.
In order to create conditions to promote green production, VICEM focuses on applying measures to use resources economically and rationally. Specifically, the Corporation implemented a program to test the use of sewage sludge and industrial waste. Accordingly, affiliated units signed contracts with thermal power plants, chemical plants to buy slag, fly ash and artificial gypsum from GYPS waste... to make mineral additives for cement production. At the same time, increase the use of alternative raw materials, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, towards sustainable production.

VICEM strengthens automation and application of science and technology in production facilities. Photo: VICEM
Typically, since 2011 VICEM But Son has started to deploy a system of burning hazardous waste (hazardous waste) at clinker kilns. The initiative is based on the increasing demand for local solid waste treatment (plastics, PVC, tires, PCB-containing waste oils, alkaline liquids, contaminated soil, ash, industrial slag, etc.) Meanwhile, the plant's clinker furnace equipment is available, the primary temperature is about 1,150-1,200 degrees Celsius, ensuring the ability to burn dioxins and furans completely. On that basis, VICEM engineers have improved the combustion system with Vitme valve and propellant to ensure safety when putting hazardous waste into the combustion chamber, without generating pollution to the outside environment. This hazardous waste combustion system has the ability to process alternative raw materials with high efficiency and continuously, which can replace up to 14% of coal materials. At the same time, it helps the locality to effectively handle a part of solid waste.
In addition, VICEM promotes the application of science and technology at factories, improves production efficiency in the direction of increasing productivity and ensures environmental sustainability factors.
An outstanding example can be seen at VICEM Hoang Thach. For many years, the factory has applied the environmental management system standard ISO 14001:1996. At the same time, the company promotes technical innovations and improvements in production to balance economic and environmental problems. Specifically, in 2018-2020, under the direction of the Corporation, VICEM Hoang Thach invested more than 20 billion VND to renovate the electrostatic precipitator system with less than 30 mg/m3 of standard gas, install an online monitoring system. In total, the factory has renovated 11 electrostatic precipitators, installed 136 sleeve dust filters and 10 online monitoring points. Simultaneously, installing a dust suppression spray system at the clinker production area of port 23, taking measures to handle dust generated at the clinker silo outlets W1L02 -HT1, W2L20-HT2...
Similarly, recently, VICEM Hai Phong has applied more than 40 improvement projects. Improvements focused on key points to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions include: reduction of furnace heat loss, improvement of the static grate, restoration of the exhaust heat recovery valve, and an increase in the ratio using alternative materials… The initiatives have significantly improved system operation efficiency, reduced repair time and costs, and saved the factory tens of billions VND per year.
In the coming time, VICEM determines the development orientation as "Non-emissions-natural circulation" as the goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 8% by 2030. Besides, the enterprise is determined to apply science and technology in order to optimize production, improve economic capacity and competitiveness, in order to maintain the position and role of the central unit of Vietnam's cement industry.
Ha Tran